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It's always sunny in Mumbai, but citizens lacking Vitamin D

Dec 16, 2019

Vitamin D

Despite the long hours of sunshine, Vitamin D deficiency is common in Mumbai! More people are being diagnosed with low levels of vitamin D and many of them are unaware of the cause. In a city like Mumbai, the limited exposure to sunlight and foods rich in Vitamin D is leading to its deficiency.

Vitamin D

Get yourself tested today. Ask for a blood test called the 25-hydroxy vitamin D test (also called the 25-OH vitamin D test or Calcidiol 25-hydroxycholecalciferol test) to see if you have a vitamin D deficiency. This test is the most accurate way to measure how much vitamin D is in your body. This accurate testing is available at Modern Wellness Diagnostic Services. Call 6376916100/6376918118 to schedule a Home Blood Collection for 25-hydroxy vitamin D test