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A woman is defined as postmenopausal from 1 year after her last period. The mean age for menopause reported in India ranges from 41.9 to 49.4 years as compare to there western counterpart with 51years. According to the Indian National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), about 18 per cent married women in age group of 30-49 yr had reached menopause in 2005-2006. Thus, early menopause has been raised as cause of concern that requires reliable diagnosis and treatment and / or management. Thus, this profile is not designed for every women but for females with menopausal symptoms who may have premature ovarian failure, or risk of other health complications like osteoporosis.

Test included

• E2 (Oestradiol)
• Free T4,Free T3,TSH
• FSH (Follicle Stimlating Hormone)
• LH (Leutinizing Hormone)
• Progesterone
• Total Testosterone
• Free Testosterone
• Vitamin D

E2 (Oestradiol)
Oestradiol (E2) is the form of estrogen made majorly by the ovaries in the pre-menopausal women. Thus the test measures the level of the hormone in serum to asses menopause via functioning of ovaries. In menopausal women the E2 levels are generally less than 126.6 pmol/litre while more than the said value shows reduced possibility of being menopausal. The marker however is not conclusive and must be considered in response to other supportive test.

Oestradiol (E2) is the form of estrogen made majorly by the ovaries in the pre-menopausal women. Thus the test measures the level of the hormone in serum to asses menopause via functioning of ovaries. In menopausal women the E2 levels are generally less than 126.6 pmol/litre while more than the said value shows reduced possibility of being menopausal. The marker however is not conclusive and must be considered in response to other supportive test.

Free T4, Free T3, TSH
The thyroid profile test is done to evaluate function of thyroid gland that may deteriorate with age, at menopause and produce symptoms similar to menopause.

Follicle stimulating hormone rises during transition phase thus, its serum levels can help identify if the woman is approaching, transitioning, or has gone through menopause.

LH (Leutinizing Hormone) Leutinizing hormone is produced by pituitary gland to stimulate ovaries for ovulation. LH elevates due to non responsive ovaries post menopause.

Progesterone levels decrease in most menopausal women.

Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone
Most testosterone tests are insensitive for assessing low levels of testosterone, such as may be found in pre-menopausal women with testosterone deficiency.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) is an androgen, present in both male and female. This test measures the level of DHEAS in the blood. DHEA-S levels in women have been associated with depressive symptoms during the menopausal transition and osteoporotic fracture in post menopausal women.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in maintaining skeletal health. Growing research evidence suggest vitamin D deficiency associated with other than skeletal manifestation including cardiovascular disease, infection, diabetes, neurodegeneration, cancer etc. Since post menopausal women are more prone to many of these lifestyle disorders along with osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency may be a health risk. A European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) recommended daily administration of vitamin D for post menopausal women of 71 years of age or older.


Patient cost

Pallikadavath S, Ogollah R, Singh A, Dean T, Dewey A, Stones W. Natural menopause among women below 50 years in India: A population-based study. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2016;144(3):366-377.
Menopause: Full Guideline. National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health (UK). London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK); 2015 Nov 12. (NICE Guideline, No. 23.)
Patrick Garnero Ph.D. Elisabeth Sornay‐Rendu Bruno Claustrat Pierre D. Delmas. Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover, Endogenous Hormones and the Risk of Fractures in Postmenopausal Women: The OFELY Study. Journal of Bone and mineral Density. doi.org/10.1359/jbmr.2000.15.8.1526

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